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Unfolding your Divine Duality

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Spiritual Academy

It is time to discover your

Divine Duality

You are a universe within yourself.

Come on a unique journey to shape your new reality.

For those who live in one world that pays the bills, the other a world that fits your ethics, values, and consciousness.

Welcome to your unfolding.

You're invited to cross the bridge between your two worlds and create one world within, through and around you.

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Number 1 Best Selling Book

I feel balanced, in harmony with my relations and a lot of energy. I have an eagerness to start my new life and immediately when I came home I started to make changes in my life to the path I want to live. I can now see what I need to do more clearly and I also feel that I can put words to my needs more clearly than before. I have the feeling that nothing can stop me!
After this retreat, I feel I´ve got the tool of Divine Duality integrated into my body and I now am ready to use it in my everyday life. 


Klara Ingvarsdotter

Out Now



Humanity has come to a
portal and the question is

Do you want to discover a totally new dimension of existence or is it fine to stay where you are?


Will you take yourself over the threshold?



Live and Online

Organise for

Inaya Oakroot to

speak at your next event.



6 Day Retreat Sweden

Organise your private one on one Retreat within your own home or come along to a small group residential retreat in your area.



2 Day | 1 Day | Half Day Formats

Organise your group workshop in your area.  Various formats available depending on how deep you would like to go into the topic of Divine Duality.


Online Program

Study in your Own Time at your Own Pace.

Various options available including online program with or without contact with Inaya as your guide.



3 Months | 6 Months | 12 Months

Therapeutic Transformational

Coaching Programs

Book your Private Appointments Here


Sound Healings


Soul Realignment Healings


Energy Medicine Clearings


Guided Meditations


Property Cleaning


Kommande evenemang

Inaya Oakroot Spiritual Academy

About the Author | Speaker | Teacher

Inaya Oakroot

Born in Sweden as Cesilia Ekroth 1962.

Inaya has dedicated herself to the artistic path since the age of 5.

She was always guided to other realities other than the common well-worn routes in life.

Her art was her tool in her lifelong investigation into an authentic life beyond the veil taught by society.

She started her career as a tennis coach at the age of 14. Over her 30-year career as a tennis coach, she trained 5 to 60-year-olds, male and female, beginners and juniors at a high level of competition. This created an incredible understanding of people and what makes them tick, their motivations, and their behaviours.

All the while she combined her love and talent for art with various art exhibitions in Scandinavia and abroad, becoming successful beyond her wildest expectations.

By the age of 40, she started her next chapter as a consultant, board member and creator of educational programs for the corporate and public sectors.

Her speciality was implementing creativity and entrepreneurship with the intention to eliminate the separation between the different fields of excellence.  Her drive was to break down those silos between departments and between different authority levels and help teams to operate at the highest level of performance, staying competitive in a changing world.

She was also the owner and operator of a refugee camp for four years. Bringing her face to face with trauma, war, separation, death, and loss.

Her work then led her to write various books about the coming of a new reality and the shift of consciousness, helping people to navigate the new paradigm.

The last 8 years have been dedicated to the healing arts, as a sound healer, and energy healer, specialising in the akashic records, plus shamanic studies and practices through Energy Medicine Institute (EMI). As well as being an artist, and author, while still working in the corporate world with teams as a leadership coach.

She is now the founder of Oakroot Spiritual Academy, bringing her life's work together under one roof to connect seekers to their Divine Duality.  Doing her part for Earth and its people's ascension.

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