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Inaya will need you to write your intention plus your name, place and date at birth. 


The meeting will take place via Zoom.


When you meet, Inaya would have already done the reading and cleansing and the meeting is like
a ceremony of releasing the patterns that have stood in the way of your original Divinity. 


At the same time, the reading provides knowledge about your origins, life themes and special-
ties, and so much more. 


A basis for making new choices according to what is best for your unique individuality.


We have a dialogue during the meeting where you get time to digest information and ask
questions, and the conversation will be recorded and sent to you. 


Also included in the post-meeting email is a written 21-day reading for you to do as part of the restoration.


As preparation, it is good that you set an intention for the change you want to see in your
life in the next 6 months. 


You will have a pure energy to create new results in your life and a clear intention guides and facilitates the movement to create your life anew.


Inaya will look closely at parts of the reading that are important for the realisation of
your intention.


Warm welcome!

GIFT VOUCHER - Soul Realignment Cleansing

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