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Unfolding a new conscious world…


The book THIS CREATIVE EXISTENCE – Unfolding a new conscious world” offers a deep understanding of our current era and its compelling changes.


The beautiful form of the book leads the reader’s full spectrum of intelligences to combine and experience an expanded view of reality, extending well beyond our prior learning.


It unites science, ancient wisdom, sacred geometry, physics, biology and the arts into a commonly shared consciousness. A unity previously glimpsed only in fragments within a range of disciplines.


The book introduces the reader to the new era's self-organized governance of the world and to the human potential that will govern us into the future.


The seven phases in the book that spirally grow take the reader to higher and higher inner consciousness:


1. The world in change

2. The road to happiness

3. The human physiological context

4. The frequencies that create us

5. Different volumes of reality

6. The characters of light and darkness

7. The journey to consciousness and the magical world


Reading the book evokes the same fusion of our intelligences  as occurs within these disciplines,  a necessary developmental stage for experiencing reality behind the veil of the dramas of the world.


An intelligent and magical world is revealed, that has through its prevailing self-emergence taken over the calculated existence built on dualistic thinking, of good and evil, of winner and losers.


The new world reveals its essential nature as unity, accelerated by modern technique and the blending of cultures.


LIV – Allting avgörs innan det börjar

Vi lever i en förändrad värld… Boken leder in läsaren till den nya tidens självorganiserade styrning av världen och till den mänskliga potential som kommer att styra i och till framtiden. LIV utgår från våra naturvetenskapliga beståndsdelar och visar på urtida visdomar bortom religion och kultur. En nollställning bortom tolkningar, som är nödvändig för att se världen i ett nytt ljus. Den visar på ett tankeskifte som med enkelhet tar dig förbi de förbrukade världsbilder som tidigare styrt oss och världen. Vår tids tekniska utveckling har både raserat det som tidigare var stabilt och pålitligt och visar vägen till dess högre intelligens…

De sju faserna i boken som i spiralformat växande tar läsaren till högre och högre inre medvetande:

1. Världen i förändring
2. Vägen till lycka
3. Människans fysiologiska sammanhang
4. Frekvenserna som skapar oss
5. Olika volymer av verklighet
6. Ljusets och mörkrets karaktärer
Resan till medvetandet och den magiska världen

"Wow!!! What a beautiful morning I had!!! The book!!!! Traded the yoga session for a quiet moment on the couch with my new book...Absolutely UNCOMFORTABLE DIVINE!!!! Was incredibly touched.

From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!! I will carry it with me!!

What a Godsend, everyone should read it!!" - Catarina Hansson


"Thanks! I had longed for this book without knowing it. It is evocative and forward-looking, playfully intertwining fields of science with thoughts that lift and make me smile. Inaya's pictures follow the words and are also concentratedly precise. It is a beautiful book. I eat the words with a big soup spoon and want more, reread the sentences. The observations of life in 2019 being and living are apt. Recognising connections gives me joy in the body and the soul gets more space. The book's surprising perspective and ideas speak to me and it breathes confidence, so it is in front of me and I read it when I need a snack, lunch or dinner. It is a book that nourishes and brings joy to my soul." - Jana Duesenberg

This Creative Existence (Signed Copy)

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