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Energy Medicine

Available Online

Book the time and day that suits you

  • 6 hours
  • 450 US dollars
  • Zoom

Service Description

The entire work is done together with my client, over Zoom, or in my studio, and takes about 2 hours each time. It is normal for an energy pattern to be fully worked out after 3 rounds, but it varies. At the moment I am doing it in English. In energy medicine, we heal what is usually called the "shadow". That which lies in the hidden field of our consciousness and which brings us to recurring complications in our lives and relationships. In the process, I work with the three elements: herbal essences, emotions and self-images to see the "story" that my client carries in his energy field. From internal "story" to finding out which basic feeling keeps the pattern from blooming in the energy field. Then I go further and see how the feeling creates its external outcome; how it manifests. When the client is willing to let go of that pattern, I move on to uncovering the "secondary gain story". It and the basic story are cleansed of symbols and radiate from the most healing frequencies of source energy. Both the stories and the purifications are put together and sent to the client's email to be read aloud during the work. I look at the origin of the energy and also look for the purifications if there are residues left in any of our bodies (physical body, emotional body, mental body, energy body and etheric body), where further purifications are done if they are found to be present. An additional protection completes the process, where we can then see how long the healing will take to work, and what percentage of the basic feeling pattern has been cleared. After that, we decide together when to move on if the whole pattern is not finished. Cost of basic package is 3 sessions: $450 USD SEK 4,999 The 3 sessions are 2 hours each. If more sessions are needed: $140 USD SEK 1,500/session ​

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule email please give me 24 hours notice as a courtesy.

Contact Details

+46 73 05 01 900

Karlevi, Sweden

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